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Who are we?

Engineers interested in electric and muscle driven boats.

" We don't copy but invent by ourself. "

Picture of jacek sokolowski. Smiled man in shadow of green branches.

Jacek Sokolowski

PhD, eng., turbochargers expert

Konrad Cichocki with historical building in the background

Konrad Cichocki

Naval Architect
expirienced in big merchant ships
project manager

Where have we met?

Two friends from university time – 1993-1998 Shipbuilding Faculty of Technical University of Gdansk. This is over 20 years of very good relations. Both were  born in 1973.
We are both full of energy, care about health and body, like active recreation. We also enjoy spending time with our wives and children by the water. In the summer time we often use various water vehicles such as SUPs, kayaks, water bikes, small and large sailboats as well as motorboats and water skis.

When the idea came up a few years ago (probably in 2017) to do any new project together, it came out naturally that it would be a water vehicle. It had to be a challenge, however, and not another project of boat of which thousands are on water bodies.

We are not interested in facelift projects involving the design of an unusual shape of the stern, bow or windows.
While defining the assumptions, we followed the trends prevailing in Western Europe. It seems that slow departure from internal combustion engines is one of trends. So new designe of electric boat was taken under consideration by us.
We believe that the use of large, loud internal combustion engines in small bodies of water such as lakes spoils many people’s leisure.

nice view on water

Our approach to design.

We do not start designing from the list of similar designs already existing on the market.
Independently if in the schedule is electric boat or muscle driven boat or any other floating object.
The real satisfaction gives designing from the scratch. From the beginning to the end according to the agreed design assumptions.

On the basis of design assumptions simplified designing process looks like below:

  1. Phisics (calcultions)
  2. Arrangements (modeling and drawing of rooms and systems)
  3. Design (some graphic art)
  4. Optimisation (at least second designing loop)

Electric catamarans offer a wide range of deck layout options. That’s why this is our favorite type of boat.

The most important features of ready boat are for us:

  • functionality
  • drive efficiency
  • comfort


  • Rhinoceros – 3D modeling, 2D drawings, simple visualisations
  • Maxsurf – body form, hydrostatics, intact stability, damage stability
  • Multiframe, Femap – strength calculations

The first project – electric boat.

So we made assumptions for an electric boat with cabin. Minimum dimensions, which will provide boating and sleeping places for four people with a kitchen and a toilet. The electric drive will allow for boating min. 6 hours at a speed of 5.5kn, and the battery charge will not take longer than 10 hours. Of course, a silent generator should be installed as an emergency.
The result of many months of work is the Serenity 700 electric boat.

It was not easy, especially with the drive. It is difficult to find the right electric motor with the right power and speed, it is difficult to find the right, lightweight propeller and the battery is the worst.
It seems that the topic of batteries is already very developed on the market, but when you agree on details and then get a price offer, it turns out that you need to go deeper into the topic again.
And we entered. We assemble the appropriate battery ourselves.
However, at this point we must say that we are not a shipyard. We outsource all production work to subcontractors.
We are only designing, organizing and financing.
The Serenity 700 project was created in three versions to meet the needs of the widest possible group of interested parties.
While working on the drive, we came to the conclusion that the Serenity 700 is too big an investment to install an unproven drive in it. A smaller and cheaper platform was needed.

The second project – big water bike.

With us, ideas for new things are not a problem. The concept of the Serenity 550 catamaran was created in a relatively short time.

A separate project developed from this, which again required months of work on the design of individual elements. It was impossible to select them from ready-made parts available on the market. This is, of course, about the drive and the seats.

The only thing we took from the market was an electric pedal assist kit and some smaller bicycle parts. All drive stations, power transmission to the drive column and steering system were designed by us and made for this project.

Tailored solutions.

Again few version of the boat arised during designing process. We would like to offer individually tailored products. It is a client decision how many seats and what  type of drive will be installed.

From one side, for active people we have prepared a specific big water bike with electrical supported pedaling. For not active we have totaly electric boat. All version on the same plaftorm of small, open deck catamaran.
This project was dramatically slowed down by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we hope that we will be presenting the Serenity 550 at trade fairs very soon.

If you want to know more about our present and maybe future projects, or you would like to develope your innovative project of any floating vessel please do not hasitate to contact us.

Best regards from Jacek and Konrad!

MORWIK sp. z o.o.
ul. Mysliwska 29/11
81-572 Gdynia
VAT No.: PL5862286362

sailboats at quay